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 Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!

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4 posters
tiger girl
Night elf
Night elf
tiger girl

Брой мнения : 2678
Age : 29
Location : В тъмнината...
Registration date : 23.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Апр 20, 2008 5:51 pm

Не казвайте,че не съм ви предупредила... Моят ум не спира да изработва неща,неразбираеми дори за мен,така че си направете сметката как може да ви въздества цялото това "Творчество" ако въобще може така да се нарече. albino

Както и да е,разписах се малко на английски,на когото му се чете,е добре дошъл да го направи.Разни размисли,нищо повече:

As the guitar sings its song for the ones, who can hear it, I stare at the night sky….
Why is it, that this ocean of darkness with a few sparkles as starts attract me so? Freedom, my little heart…freedom. It is a thing I ache for for too long. And why is it, that this simple thing makes me want to throw everything away and run after it with full speed? That’s just it, my dear little heart…It’s not just a simple thing. It is the thing that lets me breathe, the thing, that makes me feel like I’m flying. And why is that? No answer, actually.
Do you have an answer as to why you are mine? I don’t have it either. Those are one of the many questions left unanswered just for the pure excitement and fun. Would it be interesting if we knew everything in the world, would we be satisfied if we truly knew what to expect of ourselves? Would you be happy, if I surrounded you with every answer to all the questions asked? Too much knowledge makes us crazy; the things we already know have done a pretty good job. And why is that? The truth is that there is just too much truth to handle. And then we feel broken and defeated by just a few words the world threw at us.
How is it that their power is much bigger than ours? Words manipulate every living creature, which has a brain to analyze them. Words make us happy, words make us sad, words make us worry, words make us do crazy things, feel crazy things, do crazy things…say crazy things…But what made them such an important part of our existence? It wasn’t God, it wasn’t Fate, it wasn’t the Earth or the Sky… It was us…the humans…and we are so vulnerable to every word or phrase. But that’s what makes it interesting…
If we were perfect with absolutely no flaw, what fun would it be? We wouldn’t have the chance to see if we are strong enough to climb the mountain against us and continue on. We wouldn’t have the chance to see if we can swim through the greatest ocean just to see if we are capable to do the impossible.
Ah, the impossible…What a pathetic replacement for “I’m to week to handle it!”. Because we think that we are flawless and the things we can’t do because we don’t try hard enough are simply made to be left alone. That’s a lie. That’s complete bullshit and you know it! People before thought that we could never reach the forbidden sky, but we have! [Ha-ha, in your face! Twisted Evil] So there…”Impossible is nothing!”
You might disagree…You have the complete right to say what you think, but you have the obligation to understand, that not everyone thinks exactly like you do. And still we fight and fight and fight just because we have different opinions and views on the world. Wars start just because of that, scandals at home, fight in the school yard and what comes of that? Nothing. Nothing good, that is. We just fight more and more and it never stops.
There are no words to stop this, I know from personal experience that less than 10 % actually listen to what you think. Look at this: You talk about what you think about a very important topic and the person or people you are talking to just say mhm; yeah; yup and things like that and when you stop talking, they suddenly jump and start to say their opinion, completely forgetting about everything you said. See what I mean?
So, my little heart…we should really just accept the world as it is. It is not impossible to change it, no. It is just that I am not the person destined to do that. I am not strong enough to carry the burden of the world on my shoulders. Hell, I can hardly manage these problems, let alone everything. So, my little heart, let us just listen to the guitar’s song and let us watch the night sky…Because we shall fight for the things we dream of when the time comes. And it will come, I believe in that and no one can make me think otherwise.

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Light in the darkness
Light in the darkness

Брой мнения : 3403
Age : 34
Registration date : 22.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Апр 20, 2008 9:29 pm

Много ми харесва ^^ чудесно описано и смислено... Very Happy cheers
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tiger girl
Night elf
Night elf
tiger girl

Брой мнения : 2678
Age : 29
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Registration date : 23.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeЧет Яну 01, 2009 4:49 pm

Недай си боже някой напълно непознат да започне такъв разговор с Джени...

-На кого му викаш татко?
-На татко!
-Добре де,ама кой е татко...?
-Татко си е татко!
-Кой татко?!

Хайде сега да повторим шест пъти по-бързо!...аз не мога...
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Цар на Кентаврите
Цар на Кентаврите

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeЧет Яну 01, 2009 5:53 pm

Успях!След като няколко минути се мъчех вече имам успях...
Даже можах да се отърся за малко от мързела,който ме е хванал.
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tiger girl
Night elf
Night elf
tiger girl

Брой мнения : 2678
Age : 29
Location : В тъмнината...
Registration date : 23.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 12:43 pm

Застана на края на скалата и погледна нагоре...нагоре,към тъмното небе...безвездно,луната беше угаснала,мракът я зовеше...
Събра ръцете си пред себе си.Притвори кафевите очи,вдигна глава нагоре към безмълвните небеса...
Светлина...светлина...изпълни моята молба...
Гласът й се носеше с вятъра към тъмнината,толкова мек и тъжен...Пълен със скръб и нежелани спомени.Защо?Кръв капна пред босите й крака.
Смили се...смили се над тъмните...донеси ни спасение...
Спомни си кръвта.Спомни си тъгата.Спомни си ужаса,болката,хаоса...Червените пламъци от преди пламнаха в очите й,щом тя рязко ги отвори.
Спаси ни...Помогни ни...Накарай ни да повярваме!
Болката от раната още я измъчваше...онова тупкащото...там,вътре,то беше спряло.То отказваше да се съживи,неговата опора си беше отишла...
Покажи ни пътя в този мрак!
И разпери ръце.Пера се разфучаха около нея,черни,като на гарван...Вятърът и тях ги понесе,към нищото...Момичето се строполи на земята,скалата се отчупи...Защото всичко имаше цена.
И тогава,една единствена звезда започна да блести ярко на небето...Озари кървавите им лица,яростните червени очи и кристалните сълзи...
Нека ви водя...-за последно прозвуча гласа й в нощта.

Мел,заразила си ме с огромното желание да я тормозя!
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Light in the darkness
Light in the darkness

Брой мнения : 3403
Age : 34
Registration date : 22.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 12:48 pm

Тръпки ме побиха. Изумително!

П.П. Вас, остави горкото дете, толкова е миличка като малка, не ти ли е жал...?
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tiger girl
Night elf
Night elf
tiger girl

Брой мнения : 2678
Age : 29
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Registration date : 23.08.2007

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 12:49 pm

Никак.Тя ми изглежда прекалено мила и спокойна...просто не е честно. xD
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Light in the darkness
Light in the darkness

Брой мнения : 3403
Age : 34
Registration date : 22.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 12:51 pm

Хъх, а тъкмо си мислех, че поне един твой герой ще си остане миличък и кротък ХD
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Мелиса Сойер
Мелиса Сойер

Брой мнения : 10178
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 1:00 pm

Моята заразъ е много лоша..А иначе аз съм опитвала да запазя герой миличък и кротичък ама на, не стана, са е гаден(Мерик имам предвид)
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Light in the darkness
Light in the darkness

Брой мнения : 3403
Age : 34
Registration date : 22.08.2007

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Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitimeНед Яну 04, 2009 1:04 pm

То май до сега никой не е успял да запази някой свой герой добричък. Леле...
А аз опитах и това, горното, с разговора на Джени... мъка, мъка.
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER!   Toxic waste,DO NOT ENTER! Icon_minitime

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